Starting Where? Albania (AL) Algeria (DZ) Antigua and Barbuda (AG) Argentina (AR) Aruba (AW) Australia (AU) Austria (AT) Bahamas (BS) Bahrain (BH) Barbados (BB) Belarus (BY) Belgium (BE) Bermuda (BM) Brazil (BR) Bulgaria (BG) Cameroon (MC) Canada (CA) Cayman Islands (KY) China (CN) Colombia (CO) Congo (Kinshasa) (CG) Costa Rica (CR) Croatia (HR) Cyprus (CY) Czech Republic (CZ) Denmark (DK) Dominican Republic (DO) Ecuador (EC) Egypt (EG) Estonia (EE) Finland (FI) France (FR) French Guiana (GF) Georgia (GE) Germany (DE) Greece (GR) Grenada (GD) Guadeloupe (GP) Guam (GU) Guatemala (GT) Guinea (GN) Haiti (HT) Honduras (HN) Hong Kong (HK) Hungary (HU) Iceland (IS) India (IN) Indonesia (ID) Iran (IR) Iraq (IQ) Ireland (IE) Israel (IL) Italy (IT) Jamaica (JM) Japan (JP) Jordan (JO) Kazakhstan (KZ) Kenya (KE) Kuwait (KW) Latvia (LV) Lebanon (LB) Libya (LY) Lithuania (LT) Luxembourg (LU) Macedonia (MK) Malaysia (MY) Malta (MT) Martinique (MQ) Mexico (MX) Morocco (MA) Netherlands (NL) Netherlands Antilles (SX) New Zealand (NZ) Nicaragua (NI) Northern Mariana Islands (MP) Norway (NO) Oman (OM) Palau (PW) Panama (PA) Paraguay (PY) Peru (PE) Philippines (PH) Poland (PL) Portugal (PT) Puerto Rico (PR) Qatar (QA) Reunion (RE) Romania (RO) Russia (RU) Saint Lucia (LC) Saudi Arabia (SA) Serbia (RS) Singapore (SG) Slovenia (SI) South Africa (ZA) South Korea (KR) Spain (ES) Sudan (SD) Suriname (SR) Sweden (SE) Switzerland (CH) Taiwan (TW) Tanzania (TZ) Thailand (TH) Tonga (TO) Tunisia (TN) Turkey (TR) Turks and Caicos Islands (TC) Uganda (UG) Ukraine (UA) United Arab Emirates (AE) United Kingdom (GB) United States (HI) United States (US) Uruguay (UY) Venezuela (VE) Vietnam (VN)
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* The above is an incomplete collection of award prices. Others - higher or lower - may exist. Some awards may be mixed cabin.
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